
  • Battle Gear 2 Ps2 Iso Emulator
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 15. 13:00

    Ive never played metal gear 2, i know there is a fan translation for the MSX rom.But on the playstation 2 game metal gear solid 3 on the second disc as extras there are the MSX versions of Metal gear 1 and 2, with some minor edits like the picture during radio conversations.More interesting is though that metal gear 2 got an official translation.I assume the games are emulated on the PS2, instead of reprogrammed.That case, shouldnt the rom be hidden somewhere on the disc?I would prefer to play it through bluemsx since its very accurate instead of on the PS2maybe we can find out. Knowing the MSX2 emulators code already exist and are of high quality, knowing you are going to make it feel as close to original as possible, if I were Sony, I'd choose to use an emulator and extend it here and there with native PS2/whatever console code.Metal Gear is from Konami, not Sony.Do you remember a bunch of MSX1 games 'recompiled' to be native PC binaries? Maybe they use a similar recompilation/simation system, generating native binary from a ROM, and then extend it with extras.Yes and i remember the Konami MSX collection for PSX and Saturn and collection II & III for PSX, where there are a bunch of msx1 games, then Konami used a MSX1 emulator for sure, i have extracted the roms my self and i use them in msx. (They are 99%/1000% the same original ROM).The keywords here are:MSX1 & bunchThe problem with these new games are not same from MSX, grafics: more quality, so they are bigger, translation: so they are bigger (1MB?), perhaps music is PCM or MP3 avoiding the make of a replayer.Like i said in my first post, is a lot more difficult to make an MSX2 emulator than a MSX1 one, with SCC emulation. And this effort only for 2 games.They have the graphics, they have the music, the have the plot, i think in this case is easiest to write the game from zero.In the other hand this games appeared before for mobile phones, now is appearing for Xbox360, so the easiest way is to make the remake is to program a new engine in java or C.Perhaps they are MSX roms and can be extracted, for sure they are not in the Disc, in the Konami Game Collection they were compressed/encripted.

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    DownloadBattle Gear 2 Ps2 Iso Emulator

    Ps2 Emulator Iso

    The way to extract them is: run the game in psx2 emulator, load a savegame with access to the msx game, run the msx game, dump the ps2 memory to a file and the search for the z80 code. Why is so difficult to make an msx2 emulator?

    They are all open source and multi-platforms most of the job is already done. Porting to ps2 wouldn't be that difficult. You should look for msx limitations on the game to see if they are present. For example the 8 sprite per scanline can be turned off, but you should not have bigger or even more coloured sprites or more than 32 on screen.By the other hand, making a MG game in C wouldn't be that harder too.

    Ps2 Emulator Download For Pc

    In assembly is another story but C piece of cake. Well I said I think those games were ported, not emulated or simulated.And if you compare the original game with the PS2 version, you will notice they don't work exactly in the same way.So if the game is emulated, the code should do exactly the same, and this is not the case.I.e.:The soldiers move in a different way and using an slighly different path.Solid Snake sprite animations are different in some places.The lorry bug is not presentRadar map is differentIn the PS2 version you can hit a soldier through a fence!And so on.

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